Dr. D. Ayers
SOCI312 - The Family as a Social Institution

"An Exchange on American Family Decline"--5 articles linked from JSTOR:
Popenoe, David: American Family Decline, 1960-1990: A Review and Appraisal (linked with permission to JSTOR) 
Glenn, Norval D.: A Plea for Objective Assessment of the Notion of Family Decline (linked with permission to JSTOR)
Stacey, Judith: Good Riddance to "The Family": A Response to David Popenoe (linked with permission to JSTOR)
Cowan, Philip A.: The Sky Is Falling, but Popenoe's Analysis Won't Help Us Do Anything About It (linked with permission to JSTOR)
Popenoe, David: The National Family Wars (linked with permission to JSTOR)
Cherlin, Andrew: Book Review: David Blankenhorn, The Future of Marriage (linked with permission to JSTOR)
Lewis, Oscar: The Culture of Poverty (copy and paste the following url to access: http://lchc.ucsd.edu/MCA/Mail/xmcamail.2010_11.dir/pdfKPNFlustp6.pdf)
Roach, Jack L. and Orville R. Gursslin: An Evaluation of the Concept 'Culture of Poverty' (linked with permission to JSTOR)
Symposium on William Julius Wilson, The Truly Disadvantaged--3 articles linked from JSTOR:
Hochschild, Jennifer L.: The Politics of the Estranged Poor (linked with permission to JSTOR)
Boxill, Bernard R.: Wilson on the Truly Disadvantaged (linked with permission to JSTOR)
Wilson, William Julius: The Truly Disadvantaged Revisited: A Response to Hochschild and Boxill (linked with permission to JSTOR)
When Baby Makes Three (excerpt only), The National Marriage Project, pages 17-57 (copy and paste the following url to access:http://nationalmarriageproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Union_2011.pdf )
Popenoe, David and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, "Should We Live Together" Executive Summary," The National Marriage Project, 2002 (copy and paste the following url to access:http://nationalmarriageproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ShouldWeLiveTogether.pdf)
Jones, Stanton L.: Same-Sex Science (can be found on Academic Search)

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