Dr. K. Seybold
PSYC 301 - History and Systems of Psychology

Descartes, Rene: Meditations on the 1st Philosophy ( link to Past Masters database or cut and paste the following url http://library.nlx.com/xtf/view?docId=rationalists/rationalists.02.xml;chunk.id=div.descartes.v2.8;toc.depth=1;toc.id=div.descartes.v2.3;brand=default )
Freud, Sigmund: The Future of an Illusion (copy and paste the following link to access: https://www.free-ebooks.net/psychology-culture/The-future-of-illusion/pdf?dl&preview)


James, William: The Scope of Psychology   (linked from Classics in the History of Psychology) **Item is in the public domain.
Jeeves, M.: Neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, and the image of God
Skinner, B. F. : Religion (copy and paste the following link to access:

https://archive.org/stream/SkinnerB.F.1938.TheBehaviorOfOrganismsAnExperimentalAnalysis/Skinner%2C%20B.%20F.%20%281953-2014%29.%20Science%20and%20human%20behavior_djvu.txt) **Control F and type in Chapter XXIII to access

Watson, John: Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It  

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