Dr. B. Carter
HUMA 301 -
Civilization and the Arts
Chapter 1: Why you don't think and why you should (found on Reserve in the library in the book The Thinking Life: How to Thrive in the Age of Distraction) |
Chapter 2: Finding the time to think (found on Reserve in the library in the book The Thinking Life: How to Thrive in the Age of Distraction) |
The humanities and the vision of greatness: the case for a contemporary Christian humanism (found on Reserve in the library in the book The Christian, the Arts, and truth: Regaining the vision of greatness) |
Chapter 2: Is thinking good for its own sake? (found on Reserve in the library in the book The Life of the Mind: a Christian perspective) |
Chapter 4: Tensions between the life of the mind and the Christian faith (found on Reserve in the library in the book The Life of the Mind: a Christian perspective) |
Chapter 3: Creativity, beauty, and recreation |
Chapter 1: The Bible as apologetic for art |
Would Augustine have enjoyed Picasso? |
Gaebelein, Frank: Chapter 21: The Humanities and the Vision of Greatness: The Case for a Contemporary Christian Humanism (found on Reserve in the Library in the book The Christian, The Arts, and the Truth) |
Huizenga, C. Nolan: The Arts: A Bridge Between the Natural and Spiritual
Realms |
Jensen, Robin M: The Substance of
Things Seen: Art, Faith, and the Christian Community (this book is found on Reserve in the Library) |
C. S.: Chapter 3 from An Experiment in Criticism |
Leland: The Christian Imagination (this book is found on Reserve in the
Library) |
Sayers, Dorothy: The Image of God (from book The Mind of the Maker) *Copy and paste the link listed and then set up an account to access the e-book https://openlibrary.org/works/OL2234989W/The_mind_of_the_Maker?edition=mindofmaker00saye |
Spencer, William David: God
Through the Looking Glass: Glimpses from the Arts (this book is found
on Reserve in the Library) |
İHenry Buhl Library
City College 2021