Dr. J. Hall
RELI 232 -
The Life & Work of Paul
Thiessen, Matthew: A Jewish Paul: The Messiah's Herald to the Gentiles |
Thompson, Michael B.: "Paul and Jesus" (available in the e-book The Oxford Handbook of Pauline Studies--it can be found by doing a title search in Discovery) |
Novenson, Matthew V.: "Did Paul Abandon Either Judaism or Monotheism?" (available in the e-book The New Cambridge Companion to St. Paul--it can be found by doing a title search in Discovery) |
Ascough, Richard S.: "What Kind of World Did Paul's Communities Live In?" (available in the e-book The New Cambridge Companion to St. Paul--it can be found by doing a title search in Discovery) |
Hylen, Susan: Women in the New Testament World Chapter 3 |
Johnson, Luke Timothy: Constructing Paul |
Barclay, John M. G.: "That You May Not Grieve, like the Rest Who Have No Hope" |
Hylen, Susan: Women in the New Testament World Chapter 7 |
Gupta, Nijay K.: "A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Studies: Understanding Key Debates" |
Gathercole, Simon J.: "Justification by Faith" (available in the e-book The Oxford Handbook of Pauline Studies--it can be found by doing a title search in Discovery) |
Keesmaat, Sylvia C.: "Walking with the Oppressed: Lament and New-Creational Hope" |
Eastman, Susan Grove: "Strengthening the Ego for Service: The Pastoral Purpose of Romans 7, 7-25" |
Gaventa, Beverly Roberts: "The Shape of the 'I': The Psalmist, the Gospel and the the Speaker in Romans 7" *permission is pending |
Hall, Josiah D.: "'With' Not 'For': An Alternative Reading of Paul's Use of Psalm 68.10b OG in Romans 15.3" *can be accessed through Discovery or the journal list New Testament Studies 67.4 (2021) 613-30 |
Gaventa, Beverly Roberts: "Reading Romans 13 with Simone Weil: Toward a More Generous Hermeneutic" *can be accessed through Discovery or the journal list Journal of Biblical Literature 136.1 (2017) 7-22 |
Golding, Robert D.: "Give Honor and Vote? A Reflection on the Christian's Voting Conscience and Romans 13:1-7" *can be accessed through Discovery or the journal list Themelios 47.2 (2022) 316-25 |
McCaulley, Esau: Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretations as an Exercise in Hope |
Lee-Barnewell, Michelle: “Turning Κεφαλή on Its Head: The Rhetoric of Reversal in Ephesians 5:21–33” |
Gupta, Nijay: "Cruciform Onesimus? Considering How a Slave Would Respond to Paul's Call for a Cross-Shaped Lifestyle" *can be accessed through Discovery or the journal list The Expository Times 133.8 (2022) 325-33 |
Ehrman, Bart D.: The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings |
Pitre, Brant: The Roman Catholic Perspective on Paul |
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City College 2015