Dr. P. Kemeny
HIST/RELI 290 Studies: History of Christianity II

Marsden, George M. : A Christian Perspective for the Teaching of History
Kuklick, Bruce: On Critical History
Fea, John: Was America Founded as a Christian Nation? xiii-xxvii
Noll, Mark A. : The New Piety: The Conversion of the Wesleys
Marsden, George M. : The Protestant Crisis and the Rise of Fundamentalism
Stanley, Brian: The Spirit and the spirits: Global Pentecostal Christianities
Frykenberg, Robert Eric: Christians in Inda: An Historical Overview of their complex origins
Yi, Wang: Introduction and Chapter 1 from Faithful Disobedience: Writings on Church and State from a Chinese House Church Movement (this is an e-book found in Discovery)

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